Course Syllabus

Exploration of Various Techniques

  • Discover different shaping techniques (coil, slab, stamping, modeling, casting, throwing, and trimming).
  • Discover different decoration techniques (slip, sgraffito, screen printing, underglaze decoration, nerikomi).
  • Create tools: ribs, loop tools, brushes, cutting wire.

High-Temperature Glazing Practice

  • Create a colored glaze, study its density, and analyze the results.
  • Create glazed pieces, fire them in a gas or electric kiln at 1265°C. First and second firing. Oxidation, reduction, and piece analysis.

Raku Practice

  • Use grogged stoneware, create pieces, perform naked Raku and decoration with resist techniques, glazing, and smoking the pieces, followed by analysis.
  • Learn how to build your own Raku barrel kiln.
  • Learn Raku firing techniques.

Introduction to Paper Clay

Paper clay is a mixture of clay and paper fibers, usually recycled paper. This combination gives the clay special properties, making it lighter and stronger, both in the dry state and during firing. Paper clay is often used to create delicate or complex pottery pieces, as it has better workability, reduces the risk of cracking during drying, and can be easily sculpted, modeled, or built into finer structures than traditional clay.

  • Prepare and use paper clay to create pieces, followed by firing and piece analysis.

Wheel-Throwing Practice

  • Learn how to center clay.
  • Learn how to lift the clay.
  • Learn throwing techniques.
  • Learn trimming.
  • Learn how to throw on a slab.
  • Learn how to modify your wheel to add accessories.
  • Create tall pieces in multiple parts (up to 60 cm max).

Slab Work Practice

  • Learn how to use a slab roller.
  • Learn how to use templates.
  • Create slab-built pieces.

Coil Building Practice

  • Learn how to use an extruder.
  • Learn how to modify your extruder.
  • Create coil-built pieces.

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